Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weighty Issues & THANK YOU!!

First let me express my sincere gratitude for your comments on my last post it was definitely not hard to leave "ugly land" with all of your kind comments. I'm so thankful for this little blog and all the amazing people I've come across through it.

Yesterday I went and visited that doctor that all women must see once a year and be uncomfortable for a few minutes blech. Anyway alls well except my weight. My weight has dropped pretty drastically from the time she last saw me to now and she's concerned about it being way too low for a 24 year old woman. She says my weight would be good for a 15 year old with my frame but not me. My doc was very firm but sweet about it we were laughing about crazy dog antics and she got a real serious look on her face and said "ok missy, I've got to get stern with you" I knew what was coming I'm no stranger to the you're underweight discussion.

I guess I just wanted to post about this because often times I feel uncomfortable sharing my troubles with gaining weight because most women look at me and say "oh geeze I wish I had your problems". I really want people to know it is a problem it is painful and it can be just as difficult as losing weight can be. I want nothing more than to be a normal weight and not worry about my bones being broken because there's no meat to cushion the blow, or cry from being called anorexic or bulemic knowing full well that I'm not either one of those things.

I'm starting a protein shake diet in the afternoons to try to gain weight successfully and I'm also on a calcium supplement to strengthen my bones. So I urge you dear beautiful blog friends the next time you see a little thin person don't be so quick to judge that they're anorexic or bulemic, and please for the love of all things beautiful do not think there's something wrong with you.

I abhor the comment I wish I was your size let me emphatically say "NO YOU DON'T" it sucks trying to find clothing that makes me look my age instead of like a teenager and when you don't finish your plate of food people automatically assume you have an eating disorder. I would give anything to be a normal size and not have to hunt for clothing or explain that I'm just not hungry enough to finish my food.

Please love your body for what it is all shapes, sizes, and even things we consider flaws are beautiful. My weight has always been a thorn for me because I feel like I've spent my life explaining it to people. I'm learning through God's goodness to except my thorns but sometimes I just have to get things off my heart.

I hope you all are having fabulous weeks!

Later Alligators....

Mrs. A


Brittney Galloway said...

Thanks for this post! I don't think I had ever thought about it from this point of view.

Lindsey said...

GREAT Post! I had a roommate in college with the same problem and she was really struggled with this. I think it's so important to raise this issue, well said!

Jax said...

Good post, girl. I had a friend with this same issue and it's just sad that our society pegs "skinny" as so positive b/c she had issues with her bones, etc too.. :(

Mrs. Lukie said...

I'm so glad you posted this. I had the same issues all through my high school to early college years. Then, my metabolism slowly started to change & started to look "healthy" and kinda freaked and then struggled with gaining the weight. I fell into unhealthy eating & exercise habits, but now I'm at a healthy weight and feel so much better.

I hope the protein shake diet works out well for you!

Mrs. Lukie said...

ps: Glad to know Ugly Land didn't last long ;)

Jocelyn said...

What a great perspective! My sister has the exact same weight struggle and she and I always go back and forth because I am always "dieting". I have been working on my contentedness with how God created me and just being thankful that I am healthy:-) Thanks for the post today!

Christi said...

I'm so glad you went and saw the doctor ... sometimes they give us that reality check, even when we know what reality is! honest post and right on with reality, too. btw ... about a year ago i was in the same boat with my girlie doctor. she said that if i didn't gain x pounds within year, conceiving would be very difficult/carrying a baby to term, etc. i told a few friends and they were like, lucky you ,get to eat what you want! ha! nope ... people don't realize that gaining weight is just as hard as loosing it, when you are health conscious! hang in there and continue to take care of yourself.

Lauren said...

Thanks for being so honest!!! Good luck as you move along in your journey!

Rachel H. said...

I can't imagine how that must feel...I do struggle with my weight, but the opposite way, and I think all women have a problem with this at some point! Good Post!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. A!!! I found your Blog today and I loved reading it! I specially loved your post "Deeper", Wow, that post is exactly how I've been feeling lately. I would like to ask you if I could use some quotes from that post? ( of course I would mention that it's originally from your Blog, and that they are your words, not mine ). I'm sure it would inspire so many people, specially people in my family. Please, feel free to check my Blog at http://rejoyceblog.blogspot.com/.
Have a Blessed Day!

Anonymous said...

Hey, good to hear from you! Yeah, I'm definitely going to become your follower! I'm going to post your quotes tomorrow because it's totally what I would express with words!:-) So, stop by tomorrow!
Have a Good Night!

Jen | Our Life Accounts said...

I totally understand, while I have a fairly healthy metabolism & do not constantly struggle either way, there was a point in my life where my body became so ill that it could not handle food at all and I had everyone judging me for my weight (or lack there of), my husband even got a lot of comments on fattening me up or giving me some food... It was so hard to be so skinny, literally feel like just skin and bones, constantly struggling to eat food at all much less eat to gain. I hated when people would express envy, meanwhile my clothes were hanging off of me. It's sad that our culture is so obsessed with skinniness that we've lost sight of healthy and that there is no one size fits all! You are absolutely beautiful! I'll be praying the protein shake works for you! Have you tried working more meals into your day? That's a tactic that I've used more than once when I needed to put some weight back on.

leah @maritalbless said...

Oh my gosh hunny. I had no idea. I'll be praying that this protein diet helps tremendously.