Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm back

Hello Friends were you worried about me? LOL it seems the first week of 2009 decided to throw me some curve balls but I am back and ready to resume my regular posting! I think I've posted on here that my mother is a cancer survivor, well she had a rough time this past week so I spent much of my time at her house which does not have internet. I am happy to say she is doing much better and I am finally at home with my beloved lap top. It's amazing how much I miss this tiny little apartment (and of course my loving husband ;) when I am away.

I am currently trying to upload my pictures to my computer and my camera is not cooperating I'm about to give up for the evening so sadly I won't get pics posted until tomorrow evening. :(

Tomorrow starts a new week and I am ready to jump right back in to tackling my goals.

I'm excited because I have recently decided in an effort to blog more regularly not only will I have "What's Going On In My Head Wednesday" I will also be blogging about and sharing a big part of my life and something that I hold very near and dear to my heart and that is my volunteer work with the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life Event. I have mentioned on my blog before that I am an Event chair for my city's event but I realized I've never really explained Relay or gone into detail about why I love it so much. I also welcome a new reader and fellow Relay volunteer to my blog welcome Magnolia Belle!
I will also be blogging about our budget and debt pay off plans, as well as some apartment decorating projects I am working on. Does anyone remember when I posted about creating a new kitchen pantry out of our old TV armoir? Well I will be able to get started on this project soon as we will be purchasing our new Flatscreen TV and stand the last week of January.

I am working on a few revamps for my layout as well. I'm sure you've noticed my profile picture is missing I'm working on that. Also I plan on adding a blog roll to the side and adding all you lovely ladies to my list. I'll probably be e-mailing each of you to make sure that's ok before I post your blog on mine.

I've finally been able to sleep although some what sporadically but it's still better than no sleep at all. I am planning on seeing my doctor now that my insurance from my job has finally kicked in. Hopefully I'll be taking care of this annoying sleep problem for good soon.

It will have to be tomorrow before I can post pictures as it is nearly 11 and I should get to bed if I want to be up at 6AM for Bible study and quiet time since it will take me until around 2 AM to actually fall asleep.

I will post pics tomorrow of our Christmas Eve party, and some of my organizational projects I've been working on!

More soon

Later Alligators!!

Mrs A


Chels said...

Welcome back deary. I hope everything is okay with your mother and well with you! I am looking forward to your regular blogs again. Good luck with revamping the blog. It's always a fun little project. Have a great Monday!

Lindsey said...

Yay glad you're back! Can't wait to see the pics!