course 1 final cake: let me preface by saying I abhor the buttercream icing rose I am awful at them and would prefer gum paste or fondant roses any day of the week!

course 2 fondant bow cake: this was my second attempt at that silly bow my first one the fondant was so so greasy I couldn't even use I went home after class crying and decided I had to try again.

course 3 final cake:

course 4 practice cake:

course 4 final cake:

cake I did for a ladies lunch event:

and a small tiered cake used for an at home reception after a destination wedding. Bride and groom wanted traditional cake cutting pictures.

So there you have it. I hope to have even more cake pictures soon as I'll be kicking decorating into high gear with a wedding in the fall and of course teaching will inspire me to make different cakes.
Thanks for looking
Later Alligators...
Mrs. A
They look AWESOME! I took a level 1 class a few years ago, and I'm so jealous you can do such amazing things!!!
Wow, they look AMAZING!!! Have a Great Day!
How cool are you! We definitely should have a class on the basics. :) I have a question about the fondant, do you like the taste of it? I've never tasted one I liked, maybe it's been bad recipes???
I like making marshmallow fondant when I can and it's the best tasting of the fondants but I'm still not a huge fan of fondant for eating however, it is my favorite way of decorating a cake because it's such clean lines and basically leaves you a blank canvas to play with :)
Wow girl! You really have some talent!
They are amazing!!!
WOW!! Those are amazing!! I have always wanted to learn how to make amazing cakes like those!!
Great Job!
Oh my goodness!!!! Those are absolutely amazing!!!!! Definitely magazine quality! What a gift you have! :)
You are truly gifted, my dear!
WOW, they look great! I'm so impressed! My favorite is the brown w/ orange flowers, it looks awesome!
Wow! You are awesome!!! I mostly stick to buttercream when I frost cakes...I too don't care for the taste of fondant. I have heard the marshmallow kind is better though.
So you know how we're planning Isaac's birthday party? I had a dream a few weeks back and all I thought when I woke up, this was before fb friends, was I NEED Mrs.A to do Isaac's cake!
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