Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday tidbits and a thankful heart

Do you ever wake up in the morning when the alarm goes off and feel as if you've only just closed your eyes for the night minutes before? Ugh that's how I felt this morning when my alarm went off. It probably didn't help that Mr. A and I went to a Redhawks game last night and didn't get home til late. The Redhawks is Oklahoma City's minor league baseball team. It was fun but chilly. The weather outside in OKC wouldn't suggest that it's almost May. Speaking of where is 2010 going?! I feel like the year is just flying by and I wish it would slow down just a little bit.

Tonight is another Thunder/Lakers match up which means another late night for this girl. but I'm so excited for the game should make for a fun night :D

Friday night I'm so excited the women from our Sunday school class are getting together for a fun night of crafting and girl time. I can't wait to spend time with the awesome women that the Lord has blessed me in friendship with.

I have to say that our church group is the most accepting group of women I've ever met. Sometimes you can automatically feel the tension of competing women in a group setting but not with this group everyone is accepting and loving and it's such a great group I never feel like I have to worry about childish drama with them and it's such a nice feeling to know I'm not being judged and I'm not afraid of failure because I have a band of sisters to help me pick myself up and keep going when I fall.

I've always tried not to based my self worth on my own feelings or even the opinions of others the only opinion that matters is that I am being a good steward of the time and talents I've been given by God. Sure I have my ugly days and days where I wish I had different ears that didn't stick out like dumbo or hair that doesn't have a mind of it's own or not such a squeaky voice but overall I'm happy with who I am.
I have never understood why women must tear each other down we're sisters in Christ and we are to build each other up and be each other's support system. I love that after years of searching for that type of friendship I found it in the women of Oasis :)

That's it for my random Tuesday tidbits.

Later Alligators....

Mrs. A


LeAnna said...

That is awesome you have a group of ladies like that. I've been so hurt by woman in competition, who aren't so much interested in friendship as they are one-upping you. I read a really good blog post this morning about how comparison kills contentment, and it's so true. Our worth is IN CHRIST, and nothing else. And that is so freeing!

d.a.r. said...

I would kill to have a group of women like that in our new town!! They really are worth their weight in gold!!

Mrs. Lukie said...

Amen! You are one blessed lady.

Lindsey said...

What a blessing to have a group of women like that!! Lucky duck!

Lauren said...

Oh what fun! I love going to sporting events with Hubs.

And I'm with you on the group of women, I've got a group right now that I wouldn't trade for anything. I'm so thankful for the lack of drama!

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

I hate it when women want to tear each other down, or spent time in foolish drama. Ick! Having godly, virtuous women for friends can be hard to find!