Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wedded Wednesday: the why not edition

One of the reasons I adore Mr. A is because he is such an encourager to me. He is constantly encouraging me to follow my dreams and I try very hard to do the same for him. Just yesterday I was bemoaning having to be in the children's musical I said that people would wonder why I'm in the musical because I can carry a tune but I'm no Idina Menzel, he just looked at me and said "but why not you"? Of course Mr. A is guilty of the same feelings of not being worthy and I often ask him the same question "why not you"

So in our marriage we often say to each other "why not" when one of us starts to think we're dreaming too big. Why not dream big we all have purposes in life and whose to say we're not supposed to be the exact thing we think we'll never be. God's plans are so much bigger than our own and we should remind ourselves when we start to think "oh no not me I could never do that" instead just stare your dreams straight in the eye and say to yourself "WHY NOT ME? I am a child of God and I am worthy"

Later Alligators....

Mrs. A


Lauren said...

Amen girl...oh how I needed to hear this!

Mel1 said...

I liked that! Thanks G!

Anne @ Sincerely, Britches said...

I also live with a very encouraging husband -- it is SUCH a blessing! Whenever I don't feel capable or am 'down on myself' he is always there to encourage and help pick-up-the-pieces and tell me I can do it. He is a blessing in so many ways...

Lindsey said...

Garth is an encourager too! It is so important isn't it?