Tuesday, December 9, 2008

let it snow , let it snow, let it snow

Oh the weather outside is frightful.
But the fire is so delightful, as long as we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow let it snow.

From my desk I can look out at a window and it looks as if it should be about 7:30 in the evening and the sun going down not 10:15 in the morning. It's misting and starting to freeze a little.

My thoughts on this if it's going to get this yucky outside it may as well snow. At least snow is pretty.

Well anyway the Thunder lost again last night I don't know why but they always wait to rally until the last quarter it doesn't make sense and it irritates me. But the game was still fun and I know Jeremy's parents had a good time.

Anyway onto tonight and my tasks are grocery shopping and purchasing my angel tree child's gift. I might start baking tonight if it's yucky out there's something about having something baking when it's cold outside that gives me the warm fuzzies. Call me weird if you want. After making a mess of my clothes when baking the goodies for Thanksgiving I decided I needed to buy myself an apron so I turned to my old friend Etsy and found exactly what I was looking for it's Christmas inspired apron with gingerbread people those of you that know my first name know why that's so cool.

Anyway write more later.......

Mrs. A

1 comment:

leah @maritalbless said...

The snow is definitely pretty!

Good lucky with your shopping and baking tonight, that sounds like a great way to spend the evening.

Can't wait to see the apron, it sounds cute!